Summer Meal Solutions Made Easy

Woman with red peppers, Perfect Servings meal pictured at left, text reads Easy Summer Meals.

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy. Mealtime should be, too! The less time you spend preparing and cooking meals, the more time you have to enjoy summer’s splendor. Save the roasts and casseroles for those months when going outside is less pleasant. Your summer focus should be on foods that are fast, simple, and delicious. 

Bonus points if they’re portable, too.

Quick & Easy is the Way to Go

Whether you’re swimming, biking, kayaking, or just plain lazing around, you’ve gotta take advantage of nice weather and late sunsets while they last. All too soon it will be cold and snowy and dark by 5 p.m.

Another advantage of quick and easy summer meals: you don’t have to turn on the oven. When the temperature soars, the last thing you want to do is bake something at 350° for an hour or two. That will only compound your misery (and make your A/C work harder to keep the house cool). 

You could grill something, but then you’ve got to worry about charcoal or propane. Besides, have you priced a ribeye steak or rack of ribs lately? You practically have to take out a second mortgage for a decent meal. 

There’s always salad, of course. But even doused liberally in your favorite dressing and buried in croutons, does a salad ever truly satisfy? Besides, adding all those toppings takes away any health benefits lettuce and tomatoes might offer. 

Complete Meals in Just Minutes

Don’t despair: there’s a way to move beyond square one…and do so in a guilt-free way.

Perfect Servings® meals are the perfect solution for busy summer evenings. They’re complete meals that are easy and delicious. All you have to do is add water, heat, and eat! Best of all, they’re healthy, nutritious, and plant-based. And ready in minutes, giving you more time to spend having fun. 

We have a wide variety of choices available, including Be’f Stroganoff, Creamy Chick’n Alfredo, and Mac & Cheese with Bac’n. They’re so delicious, you’ll never notice the missing vowels! 

If you’re simply having too much fun to stop what you’re doing, Perfect Servings meals are great for when you’re on the go! They’re quick, easy, and convenient. Cook ‘em over the campfire and enjoy while hiking, fishing, or camping. 

If you’d rather lounge in front of the TV and enjoy the air-conditioning, Perfect Servings meals are microwaveable, too. We won’t judge! 

Go ahead. Make the most of your summer! 

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